Meditation and the law of attraction

I’ve been in this search for so long, and I guess things are much more simple than we feel they are.

I started meditating about 5 years ago, on and off. The times I really do it perfectly in the morning I feel a flow of energy and happiness when I stop it lasts for a while until it eventually ends. So I made a decision in 2014 to make it a habit, as strong as taking a shower and this habit brought me to the best conclusions and decisions.

Benefits of meditation and focusing in what you truly WANT TO FEEL INSTEAD OF FOCUSING IN WHAT YOU DONT WANT :

1- Increased immunity

2-Emotional balance

3-Increased fertility

4-Relieves irritable bowel syndrome

5- Lowers blood pressure




“Not sure when or how but what I truly want and need will arrive in my life more certain than the breath that I breath.”


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